capturing the adventures of love

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bride and groom

Catherine + Arthur’s Wedding

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In a normal year, by June I’d be well into prime wedding season. However, we all know 2020 is a different kind of year. June 6th was just the start of the coming season, wildly and distinctively different, but incredibly wonderful and refreshing. In the months and weeks leading up to their wedding day, the […]


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Sarah + Davy’s Wedding!

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From the beginning, we felt like we just ‘clicked’ with Sarah and Davy. It was a sunny afternoon in early spring, we met the newly engaged couple at an outside table at our local coffee joint. Thinking back, the outside table was a little aggressive for early spring, but their personalities were warm and genuine, […]


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Breanna + Stephen’s Wedding

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We first met Bre and Steve at their engagement session last fall. Let me tell you, these two were SO fun to photograph. Their chemistry was apparent after about two seconds, clearly these lovebirds were made for each other! We pretty much laughed and giggled through the entire session, could not have been more fun. […]
