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Families, Newborn

McGill Family Newborn

When it comes to two awesome people, Katie and Matt make the top of the list. I originally met Katie back in my JP Morgan Chase days. We were neighbors in cube city and helped to keep each other’s sanity at a somewhat normal level. I’ll be the first to admit that I miss having a bunch of coworkers and the camaraderie while working on projects and of course shooting the breeze…Katie’s top of that list too. But let’s not get carried away, that’s about all I miss from my Fortune 500 cube city gig days 🙂

Since leaving, Katie and I have kept up with our friendship. She still spoons me the occasional work drama and gossip which completely makes up for the any sense of missing out. This past year has been none other than a joy to see Katie and Matt expand their family. In May they welcomed sweet little Marianna into the world. Such happiness could not have been bestowed on a more deserving couple.

Amid the chaos of Covid, we were able to safely capture their growing family. A year the McGill’s will surely never forget.



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